Alicia Keys Doesn’t Mean Anything testo traduzione canzone video lyrics

alicia keys

Doesn’t Mean Anything è il primo singolo per la cantante americana R&B Alicia Keys.Fresca dalla sua performance di “Empire State of Mind” con Jay-Z agli MTV Video Music Awards di Domenica, Alicia Keys ha debuttato poche ore fa con un brand-new .

Doesn’t Mean Anything” è un mid-tempo pianoforte, classico della Keys memore di  “No One“.

Doesn’t Mean Anything” deriva da Alicia Keys e del suo quarto album in studio  fateci sapere cosa ne pensate di quello che si preannuncia un altro successo perAlicia Keys lasciando un commento qui sotto!

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Alicia Keys Doesn’t Mean Anything canzone video lyrics

Used to dream of being a millionaire, without a care
but if I’m seeing my dreams and you aren’t there
’cause it’s over
that just wont be fair, darling.

I’d rather be a poor woman living on the street,
no food to eat
’cause I don’t want no pie if I have to cry
’cause it’s over
when you said goodbye

All at once
I had it all
but it doesn’t mean anything
now that you’re gone
from above,
seems I had it all
but it doesn’t mean anything
since you’re gone

Now I see myself through different eyes
it’s no surprise
but being alone would make you realize, when it’s over
all in love is fair
I shoulda been there, I shoulda been there, I shoulda shoulda

All at once
I had it all
but it doesn’t mean anything
now that you’re gone
from above,
seems I had it all
but it doesn’t mean anything
since you’re gone

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I know I pushed you away
what can I do that would save our love
take these material things
they don’t mean nothing
its you that I want

All at once
I had it all
but it doesn’t mean anything
now that you’re gone
from above,
seems I had it all
but it doesn’t mean anything
since you’re gone

Un pensiero su “Alicia Keys Doesn’t Mean Anything testo traduzione canzone video lyrics

  1. Bellissimaaa!! W Alicya Keys!! Nel video è vestita e truccata benissimo devo axolutamente ricopiarla!!

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