Testo We Are At War James Hall
For we wrestle
Not against flesh and blood,
But against principalities, powers, rthe rulers of darkness.
For we walk in the flesh, we are not at war with the flesh
For the weapons
Of our warfare
Are not carnal,
But they're mighty through God
To the pulling down of strongholds.
We are at war, war
We are at war, war
We are at war, war
[repeat all above]
We have to fight even though we may cry, Because we have to tear the kingdom of satan down, tear it down.
We have to fight
Eventhough we may have to cry
Fight on
Fight on
We've got to fight
To go and tear down the kingdom walls
Fight on
Spiritual warfare
Fight on
We are at war
Fight on
Sprirtual warfare
Fight on
We are at war
(repeat as directed)
We are at war
We are at war(X)