Miss Piggy, I Love You (Hollywood Frog Remix) Testo

Testo Miss Piggy, I Love You (Hollywood Frog Remix)

[kermit turn the lights off in concert]
gonzo:hollywood frog remix!!!!!
[Miss Piggy kissing jamesha beard, while
chorus choir sang 'jamesha love miss piggy']
jamesha:it's too dark in concert!!!!!!
chorus choir:jesus, Kermit the frog!!!!!
[jamesha's concert is blue and too dark]
jamesha yelled:Miss Piggy, i love you!!!!
[jamesha beard echoed loudly]
Miss Piggy Quietly:i love too,
jamesha beard!!!!
[music plays 'The hollywood frog is here' in
the dark, dark quiet place]
gonzo:let's be quiet!!!!!!
jamesha yelled:Miss Piggy, i love you, oh,
[jamesha beard echoed loundly]
gonzo:shut up, kermit!!!!!
pepe:let's go, move it!!!!
[muppets talking loudly]
[kermit claps loudly]
kermit:BE quiet!!!!!!
[kermit echoed]
[dorothy quietly walking to the bathroom]
[lights went on in concert]
jamesha:that's was a bed-time
kiss break!!!!
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