Hitler's Tears Testo

Testo Hitler's Tears

You can hear him catch his breath
And he grinds his teeth into the night
And God says "Hey, Adolf, are you alright?"

One boy's tears stain the paper
Where he writes his Christmas list
And he inks in broken German
"I wanna be a fine artist"
Then he wipes out half a continent
With one flick of his wrist
He's so lonely, so misunderstanding
As he pulls his blanket across the landing

You can hear them falling every day (Hitler's tears)
Just open up the newspaper (Hitler's tears)
You can hide, there's no escape from Hitler's tears--
Just what makes the fݼhrer blue?
He's crying for you

One man's tears--he was a fascist
Before it was cool
'Cos now it's so expected
Just accept it that power is cruel
So he'll apply for reinstatement
By new reincarnation rules
'Cos he's the only man, most certainly
Who could claim to have lerned from history

Hitler cries himself to sleep, alone in Brazil, no-one calls
How must it feel to be the biggest loser of them all?

One man's tears--saltwater salutes the final trip
A thousand naughty Nazis
A fraݼlein with a bullwhip
A lullaby of Ýber Alles
A shaking upper lip
It's all become a Whitehall farce
That's how we tear our fears apart
But you shouldn't take it straight to heart
So the rest of us can get some sleep tonight

You can hear them falling everyday...
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