Testo Scarlet Fever Kenny Rogers
I stood outside the Lucky Star
Staring at the flashingsign
It read: come on in and watch young
Scarletôs body come alive
Lether dance for you and catch your spell
Youôll swear you can believe her
Becareful not to catch the scarlet fever.
So I paid my fare and walked downfront
And found an empty chair
As I settled in young scarlet took theribbons from her hair
The moves her body made while the music played
Werethe likes Iôve never seen
And she became the envy of my dreams.
One byone her teasing movements
Brought the crowd out of their seats
And all atonce young scarlet
Danced straight up in front of me
From the moment thather eyes found mine
Iôve never been the same
Scarlet locked another heartupon her chain.
Now I get scarlet fever every time I see her
But sheôsa night club teaser
Not paid to notice me
Yes, I get scarlet fever
Ifshe knew how much I need her
Sheôd place her hand in my hand
And danceaway with me.
She looked 25 but I was told
That she was just 16
Shehad a way of making a man believe
She danced for only him
As shetantalized I fantasized
And felt the sound of my heart beat
And everynight Iôd dream
Sheôd fall in love with me.
Then one night whiledriving in
My eyes begun to tear
ôcos the sign outside the Lucky Starsaid: scarlet isnôt here
sheôd left that day to find a life
of bigger andbetter things
and she left behind my chain of broken dreams.
But stillget scarlet fever
In my mind I still see her
Out there dancingsomewhere
To another fool like me.
Yes, I get ....