We need to eliminate those who try their best to stop our wishes
becoming true.
Those who try to close the window into our faces. Open the window and
let our souls fly free.
Let us get rid of the bomb.
We ask those who are versed in alchemy, cosmic orgone, paraphysics,
tesla, pshycotronics,
ultra-relativity, twistor-application, g-strain energetics, zothyran
physics,fourier trance formation, psionics, bio-synthesis,
fan shih, quantum-physicks, tanmatra-transmission, para-vidya, eluthery,
laelia-aelia, gur-preparation, enantiodromy,
lein-tan, pao-pu-tsu, chin-tan, chandrakala, urheka and mega-mathematics
to assist in the most supreme transmutation:
that of uranium and other radio-active metals into giving, not taking
Laymen and priests of all beliefs and credos and invited to lend their
mind to this experiment.
Scan out your brothers and sisters and link up now.