my princessshe is soft and sweet
she is beautiful
so honest and true
and she don't take shit
from no one too
shes there for me
when i am down
she wants to help me
get my feet back on the ground
im so glad
that i have my princess
i will never forget
the memories we have
but whats wrong my princess?
have you forgotten me?
am i no longer worth your love?
or is it just me?
oh, i see,
for you are smarter than me
i now realise the mistakes we made
this love could never be
i still cant hide
what i have in my heart
and the memories we had
can never be erased
i know you think its your fault
that im really sad
but dont forget the great times we had
i can move on
but my heart
it will always hold
a special place
for you