Testo New Crevices Tin Armor
I know that callous lakes divideAnd division preys on minds not made of stone,
But don't forget, please reminisce
While steady drops are dripping on your head,
Clearing moss while making brand new crevices.
I know it's callous to begin
When we're clearly at an end to conversation,
But what a service better yet
But what a sermon we'll provide with our words and spit,
Making puddles deep enough to swim in.
We all talk big when our mouths are full of shit,
To release some of that dirtier unpleasantness.
But when we're big, when out knees no longer kiss,
There will be at least one good reason to act like it.
And if it's time that you want
You better start the walk
Oh steady on, steady on.
Why do cowards always count their coup?
Whether notches or numbers of beds unmade,
Live redone with brand new shades.
But it's the same old walls under the new paint
And when three go down then one remain
And if that's not clear I guess you'll never get it.
And after so much wondering I have to admit
That at least I'm curious.